By Lee Howard The Day, New London, Conn. NEW LONDON When Suzanne Karp’s father insisted on taking care of his wife, who...
By Martha Ross Contra Costa Times. The 42-year-old lieutenant colonel stationed at Moffett Field said she tried “everything” from cortisone shots to...
By Suzanne Adams-Ockrassa The Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff. Flagstaff Clinic of Naturopathic Medicine offers all the benefits of modern medicine with a...
By Delthia Ricks Newsday. MELVILLE, N.Y. The human brain, a 3-pound organ and source of symphonies, mathematics, politics, hate and crime, is...
By Wesley Case The Baltimore Sun. In the ’90s, she’d hit the dance floor. Today, she’s helping others work up a sweat...
By Elizabeth Simpson The Virginian-Pilot. It’s not as sophisticated as a tumor-removing cyberknife, but there’s a handy medical tool that fits right...