By Elizabeth Simpson The Virginian-Pilot. It’s not as sophisticated as a tumor-removing cyberknife, but there’s a handy medical tool that fits right...
By Sadhana Chathurvedula Mint, New Delhi. How do you increase gender diversity in technology? This is the fundamental question that the Anita...
By Collin Breaux The News Herald, Panama City, Fla. PANAMA CITY Computer science is a male-dominated industry, but females are starting to...
The China Post, Taipei, Taiwan / Asia News Network. TAIPEI(The China Post/ANN) Lawrence Ng, entrepreneur and co-founder of, launched OnRamp Fund,...
By Tim Omarzu Chattanooga Times Free Press, Tenn. Chattanooga is great if you’re an entrepreneur. Wendy Buckner knows that first hand because...
By Gregory Karp Chicago Tribune. With Americans spending significant portions of their waking hours looking at a smartphone or tablet, perhaps it’s...