By Steve Kraske
The Kansas City Star.
Overlooked in news last week: The 20 women of the U.S. Senate were just presented with the 2014 Allegheny College Prize for Civility in Public Life.
The reason: The women, including Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, were described as key in ending the 2013 government shutdown.
Said Allegheny College President James H. Mullen, Jr., who made the presentation at the National Press Club in Washington:
“Allegheny College is proud to award its 2014 Prize for Civility in Public Life to the 20 Women of the United States Senate for demonstrating the power of civility as they led Congress out of last Fall’s government shutdown.
“In so doing, they showed us a better way — setting a high bar of bipartisan respect, willingness to listen, and ability to balance deeply held convictions with the civility necessary to get the business of our nation done.”
Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski said the group is committed to creating a “zone of civility to get the job done.
“Whether it’s breaking budget gridlock, passing the Farm Bill, or passing a bill making sure America has clean water infrastructure, we are making real change. The Senate women know it’s not about gender, it’s about having an agenda.”