By Ashley Rose
Cleburne Times-Review, Texas
WWR Article Summary (tl;dr) Meet the 3rd grader who is using her creativity and savvy business skills to change the lives of those in need.
Cleburne, Texas
Slime is gooey and stretchy and can be made in your own kitchen. One young entrepreneur has found a new way to help others by creating slime.
Godley Intermediate School third-grader Hinley Owen makes slime to raise money for Cook Children’s Medical Center and the Ronald McDonald House. She has already raised $500 and plans to raise more money.
The 9-year-old first learned how to make slime two years ago from watching videos on Youtube and from watching her sister and thought it would be a great way to help children who have cancer and other types of illnesses.
“Because some of my really good friends have cancer and some have a really bad illness,” Hinley said. “One of my friends in my class, he’s had to do a couple of surgeries.”
There are many types of slime she can make in both small and large batches. She uses many types of supplies like white or clear glue, food coloring, contact solution, laundry detergent, glitter and foam beads.
Whether she’s at school, church or the grocery store, she sells her creations everywhere she can. She said she doesn’t get nervous when she sells the slime to residents because she tells them that it’s for such a good cause.
She said she makes sure to ask her customers if they’re allergic to any ingredients she puts into the slime so she can sell them another type of slime. She has also partnered with one of her friends to create the slime.
Her mom, Keri Owen, said her daughter has always had a caring heart.
“My dad passed away of brain cancer, and so I think she’s always had that empathetic type of caring way about her,” Keri Owen said. “She has a really tight relationship with my mom because of that.”
So when Hinley saw some of her close friends suffering from cancer, making slime was something she said she could do to help.
Hinley sells most of her slime to children, but sometimes adults will also purchase it for their children or grandchildren.
Keri Owen, health and medical terminology teacher at Godley High School, has been a nurse for many years and has seen the benefits of patients using the slime. She’s even taught some of her students how to make slime during class.
“As far as me as a nurse and applying it to my students and then with her, it’s been really cool for us to bond together and for me to use it in my classroom,” Keri Owen said. “This is very therapeutic because you know it can be for like stroke victims or people who go through rehab because working that slime strengthens their hands. I wouldn’t have thought of that even if it wasn’t for her.”
Hinley working with slime has also increased her hand strength, which has helped her play volleyball, basketball and baseball.
As a Leader in Me School, GIS Principal Airemy Caudle said they are always looking for ways to encourage students to find and take on leadership opportunities.
“Some habits we teach are ‘to be proactive,’ ‘to begin with the end in mind’ and ‘to synergize,’ and she is demonstrating these habits,” Caudle said. “I am thrilled Hinley has found an outlet to turn something she enjoys into a learning and leadership opportunity to help others. This is what we encourage all children to pursue — using their passion to design their own learning and curate their own resources to extend their thinking.
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Hinley said helping other people comes naturally to her and encourages others to do the same.
She said if slime gets stuck in your hair, put some liquid fabric softener on the affected area and wash it out with warm water.
Godley’s Hinley Owen makes slime for hospitals