From the editor
By Brian J. Laline
Staten Island Advance, N.Y.
WWR Article Summary (tl;dr) In this letter from the editor of the Staten Island Advance, Brian Laline shares the newspaper’s terrific plans for “Mentoring Monday.”
Staten Island
Hi Neighbor,
Today we’re talking about women. If you’re a guy, read on anyway because there’s a good chance you know a woman who’ll be interested.
The Advance/SILive will host a unique event in February for any Staten Island woman who wants business advice, or educational advice, or volunteering advice — let’s just say any advice whatsoever.
And we have the women to give it. Fifty-five of them.
On Feb. 24, a Monday morning, at 8:30 they’ll be in the Vanderbilt on the boardwalk in South Beach waiting to talk to you. One-on-one.
We call it Mentoring Monday. It’s all about women and all about helping their careers.
You might be a high school student wondering what to do after graduation.
Everyone tells you, “Go to college.” But what’s your goal?
You might be a college student. Grad school? Law school? An MBA program? Or should you get out there in the world and start working?
You might be a 30-or-40-something woman in a workplace looking to move up.
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Or a mom whose kids are grown and out of the house. You want to get back in the workforce. But how? What’s your first step?
Fifty-five businesswomen who’ve “Been There, Done That” want to talk with you.
The Advance/SILive is bringing those successful women together Feb. 24 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. to give you that opportunity. There’ll be lawyers, doctors, educators, health-care administrators, cultural leaders, non-profit leaders, bankers, public relations experts, marketing and real estate professionals and more.
Their experience is vast, ranging from the director of business strategy and engagement for data analytics for Bloomberg LP, to the executive directors of Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden and the St. George Theatre, to a VP of Con Ed, to a Ph.D who’s a cancer researcher, to a variety of fund-raisers of a host of non-profits, to an online book publisher, to the president of the Chamber of Commerce, to the women behind one of the most successful florist businesses on Staten Island. And that’s just a sampling.
All you need do is sign up at
There is a $20 fee to register ($25 beginning January 1) to help cover some of the cost.
The day shapes up like this:
Get there early. The day really begins at 8 a.m. with registration, a continental breakfast and a chance to mingle. You’ll get a booklet emailed to you after you register, and a copy that morning, that will detail each mentor’s expertise so you can scope out who you want to meet.
In fact, right now on that events page I just mentioned, there’s a list of mentors and their businesses.
The mentees — that’s you — will be divided into two groups. For the first 45 minutes of the morning, half the group will do “speed mentoring.” That’s spending 5 to 7 minutes with a mentor of your choice, before moving to the next.
Meanwhile, the second group will join round table discussions led by a mentor.
For the second 45 minutes, the groups will switch and the round table participants will “speed mentor,” while the “speed mentees” will do the round tables.
It might sound like organized chaos but it has been done for years across the country. In fact, we are using the model American City Business Journals has used for years. The newsweeklies are part of the Advance family, with 43 business journals across the country. The Staten Island Advance/SILive and all our sister sites across the country are joining the business journals this year to do Mentoring Monday on the same day — Feb. 24.
Sign up and you’ll be part of the 10,000 women across America participating in the program at the same time.
How to sign up? Go to
We’ll take it from there and be in touch.
And before you guys ask, “Why just women?” let me tell you. Even in this age of alleged enlightenment, when women supposedly have the same opportunity in the business world as men, they just don’t.
The Pew Research Center found that although the gender gap in pay has narrowed since 1980, an analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers in the United States shows that in 2018 “women earned 85% of what men earned.”
“Based on this estimate, it would take an extra 39 days of work for women to earn what men did in 2018,” the researchers reported.
Another study shows that women are less likely to be hired into entry-level jobs than men, even though they currently earn more bachelor’s degrees.
“As employees move up the corporate ladder, the disparity increases. Only 79 women are promoted to manager, compared to every 100 men,” the report states.
So that’s why we are urging 55 women who have moved up the ladder to tell those behind them how they did it.
Hope to see you Feb. 24 bright and early! I’ll be serving the coffee.
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