WWR Staff
A Minnesota mom who thought there should be a better way to keep her family organized for outings and travels has created a mobile app for parents on the go.
Little Peanut on the Go www.littlepeanutonthego.com is a personal assistant mobile app to help parents stay connected when they, their children, or their whole family is away from home.
Developed by Karla Lemmon, a mom and former software product manager, the app can replace all the messy and disorganized notes on the kitchen counter and fridge.
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When away at work or PLAY! parents can build packing and to-do lists, create care schedules and share emergency information with caregivers.
This timesaving app provides several functions, including:
*Access to children’s emergency contact and medical information
*packing lists for children and to-do lists for parents
*care schedules and instructions for caregivers any time they’re away from their children
*updates and photos from their children’s caregivers while they’re away
Little Peanut is available for iOS and Android as a free download with a one-time in-app purchase to unlock certain functionality. It was named the grand prize winner of the 2014 MobDemo competition.