Liza Huber is an award-winning author, wife, mother of 4 and CEO and Founder of Sage Spoonfuls.
Drawing from her own experiences and the guidance of a leading pediatrician, she designed Sage Spoonfuls to fit the needs of all parents and their busy schedules.
Sage Spoonfuls allows parents to easily make, serve, store and take their healthy, homemade baby food on-the-go.
In addition to launching Sage Spoonfuls, Liza has been appointed an Ambassador Mom for the March of Dimes, which is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health.
Having been the mother of a preemie herself, this cause is very close to her heart.
Liza has also been appointed a Parent Ambassador for Healthy Child, Healthy World and will help to inform and inspire people to take action and create cleaner, greener, safer environments where children and families can flourish.
Healthy Child, Healthy World has been a national leader for nearly two decades, igniting a movement of awareness and responsibility. Liza and her husband, Alex, have been married since 2004.
They have 4 children, Royce 5, Brendan 4, Hayden 18 months and Mason Alexander who was born in February 2013.